
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Trip to Ireland

I have been wanting to go to Ireland ever since I can remember. I was finally able to go last year with my son. We had such a wonderful time!!  We began in Dublin, then traveled west to Kilkenny, Waterford, Killarney, Limerick, Galway, and finally to Tullamore and Kingscourt. My favorite place was the Ring of Kerry it was soooo beautiful. The Cliffs of Moher were also pretty amazing. We saw puffins on a tiny island right off the cliffs.
Cabra Castle in Kingscourt - we stayed here and wow! It was so cool staying in a real castle!!

Jaunting Cart in Killarney, we had the most fun riding one through the Nat. Forest.
Killarney- while riding in a jaunting cart, I saw this dog walking his man.
Cabra Castle in Kingscourt
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher - Visitor's Center

My Studio Smells Like...


No cute little smiles or messy diapers here.

Dina Kowal, from Split Coast Stampers has converted me to the use of baby oil as a blending agent with Prismacolor Pencils. Aside from the fact that I LOVE the smell, it blends so beautifully - it ends up looking so un-pencil-like.  It almost looks as though you've used markers. I'm still experimenting with different techniques like a very light yellow or pink for additional highlights instead of white. I find that after applying several colors then blending with my stump and baby oil, that I can still go back and add more color highlights here and there.

So far, I still prefer using a kleenex as a final burnishing/buffing tool. I tried baby wipes but they took away a lot of color and the paper got too wet.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I've been working on several things the last few days.  I'm still decorating the last few pages of my card minder (previous post), had 2 more Christmas cards to make, a new size calendar, playing with my new stamps from Flourishes and updating my charts with new Prisma colors that came from Dick Blick. Whew.  I really wish I'd stay on ONE thing and finish it, but I'm so excited about these projects I just keep hopping from one to the other. I did finish this card.
I wanted a calendar that I could write a appointments on, but not a full size calendar (8 1/2 X 11). Since I couldn't find a template like I had in mind, I made my own on Microsoft Word. I haven't decorated it yet, but here is a picture of the layout.

This design fits on a half sheet of paper (8 1/2 by 5 1/2) and there is room for illustration on the side. I bound it using my spiral binding machine. Now I need to figure out some sort of cardboard stand so it will stay upright. If you are interested in this template, I'd be glad to share. Click Here

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Rubber Stamps!

Our postal carrier is the sweetest lady, especially when she brings packages of art supplies!!  Yesterday I received my first order from Flourishes and wow! I really like the images and the stamps are so well etched. I love the way all the images in the set can go together to make a scene. I know, it's not a new idea, but it is new for me.  I haven't bought any rubber stamps in quite a while, and I only have a handful of unmounted stamps. Those that I do have, don't really make a set like this.  I've had the most fun playing with them today. Here's the first completed card.
I made myself stop, so that I could address and stamp envelopes for Christmas cards. Then the dogs wanted to walk me, and there's that pesky think called dinner that had to made.

Tomorrow I'm going to a craft show with a friend, and I hope to get some inspiration as well a couple of Christmas gifts.