
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Background Stamps

I really like to use background stamps and today I'm highlighting two of them, "Hardwood" and "Dictionary."
I simply ADORE  "Hardwood." The minute I saw it in the catalog, I knew it would find its way to the stamp set shelf in my craft room. I have used it a lot. Like most Denonstrators, I often sell stamps when they retire, preferring to keep and use current stock that is available for customers to purchase. Once a while a stamp comes along that I can not part with because it is so darn versatile and I LOVE it! These two stamps are perfect examples. I will NOT PART with them.  A while ago, an Australian Demo shared Hardwood done in various ink colors on different cardstock colors. I thought this was genius, as the looks can vary so much and give you a totally different feeling - with flowers, horses, butterflies etc. I made up a chart to show you. You can download it here in PDF format. The only problem with this nifty little chart is that my Basic Gray ink pad needs to be reinked. Yes, I did order a refill for it last week... at least I thought I did. I inadvertently typed in the number for Pear Pizzazz instead of Basic Gray. Geesh! I already have a Pear refill and I didn't realize it until AFTER I peeled off all the packaging. (slaps self upside the head) The OCD part of me will do those two samples again when the Basic Gray ink refill arrives. Anyone need a Pear Pizzazz? lol

Project Details
Dictionary, Blended Bloom, Peaceful Petals, Butterfly Basics
Card Stock & Papers
Basic Gray, Real Red, Whisper White
Real Red, Memento Tuxedo Black
Alcolhol ink markers
ticket punch