
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Combining Stamping and Missions

I have a new mission for my creations. Our church is celebrating our missions this month and even though I'm a member of the United Methodist Women, and we primarily do misson work, I want to do more. Or maybe as a part of UMW. So I was thinking about the Methodist Children's home here in South Carolina. I'd like to write to a few of the little girls who live there. I thought these little posters I've created would be fun for them to put up in their rooms as well. I'm also thinking that I could send them some cards that I make especially for them. They can give them to their friends, staff members or family members for encouragement, birthdays etc. Even though they've had very difficult experiences, I feel it would be great to encourage them to do small kindnesses for others. I know the staff there encourages that sort of thing as well. I spoke to my Minister about it and he thought it was a great idea. So today my task is to write to the Chaplain and discuss it with her. I'll let you know how this goes:) Anyway, one poster is a couple posts down, and here is one I just finished.