
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Copic Marker Storage

I'm all set with my Copic storage, now if I could just buy about 20 colors of markers...... Hey, do you realize how practical I'm being about this whole marker experience? There are 358 colors of Copic Sketch markers! At this point I think about 60 markers ought to do it. I bought some plastic grid to hold the markers in place and this nice little box with handles in Lowes. The grid fits over lights in ceiling tiles. Its less than $15 and you can cut it to any size you need with just a pair of scissors. I cut two pieces of foam core to fit snugly length wise. Then my husband helped me cut slits in the foam so the grid would slide down in it a bit. Then we put another grid on the bottom of the box. It's now stable and my markers don't slide around. I left a space in the back to hold my swatch book, my journal, and a pretty envelope made with my envelope punch board, to hold some stamped images. I'm reading my books and practicing in my journal trying to improve my skills. The fairy on the left is my latest attempt.