
Saturday, January 25, 2014

My name is Carole and I am A Copicaholic

I've been stuck on the Copic marker channel! Ahhhh Such a sweet addiction. I have a friend in Maryland, Pam, who is building her collection too. We were joking the other day that we have become Copicaholics, and you know who is mainly responsible? Our dear friends in the Paper Pajama Party group. This Copic thing is like the Stepford wives. Maggie and Athina were creating these beautiful things with those markers, and of course they took certification classes. Next thing you know, Nancy was  using them too and of course she became certified as well. Then poor Pam fell victim to the beautiful colors and blending capabilities. It was only a matter of time before I too, succumbed. Ohhh and surrender I did, quite willingly. I wanted to color with those vibrant colors that bend so well, much easier than colored pencils, and no constant sharpening required either. My son gave me my first Copics for Christmas. Foolish woman that I was.. ..I honestly thought that only a few would be just fine. "I'll do fine with 9 markers, just enough to color poppies and a horse."  Yeah right!! Now just so you know, we're working on AnnMarie next. Oh, and honey, she is just about to cave too. We keep sharing what we've been doing and talking about techniques and she is absolutely drooling. Why, I can hear her heart palpitations from all the way up in Virginia. Yep, that girl's a gonner.

Alright, I reckon y'all would like to see what exactly all the fuss is about now wouldn't you? Below you can see my progress. I am getting better and it is such fun!

The frost fairy was done with B60 B63 and B66 that follows the rules of a blending group right? Well the B63 does not like to blend with the B66, I flick and feather and go over and over and it does not blend very well. 

This cute little girl with the icky shoes also has a dove with a REALLY messed up heart!! All that red bled out alllll over the place and that colorless color remover thing does not work very well in my hands. I gotta figure out some way to fix it. I need to either get more grays to do shoes properly, or color them pink.
These shoes look much better! I bought a couple more shades of gray.
This is how I fixed the mess. My friend Nancy suggested I fussy cut the girl. I did,but then there was the string in front of her. I got a clean image, used pop dots on the colored image and did the bird over. 
You'll never guess what my husband just said! He asked what I wanted for my birthday. Lord, I LOVE that man!